The NHS Support Federation

‘To Protect and Promote the NHS’

The NHS Support Federation brings together members of the public and health service staff who support a comprehensive, publicly funded system of healthcare, free to all at the time of need, financed from progressive taxation, of high quality and publicly accountable. The Federation is not affiliated to any political party and is funded entirely by donations and membership fees.

The Federation campaigns for a better NHS

The NHS Support Federation was formed at the end of 1989 at the height of the Thatcher/Clarke attack on the fundamental principles of the National Health Service. Made up of almost 200 affiliated organisations, groups and associations, many thousands of individual members have also joined the Federation to strengthen and focus defence of the NHS. The Federation now has over 15,000 members and supporters from all over the UK who value the principles of our national system of health care based upon availability, high quality and equity. Many of these are doctors, nurses, paramedics, NHS staff and management from hospitals and the community along with many members of the general public.

Formed to resist the imposition of market forces and commercialisation on a service dedicated to health and welfare, the Federation has provided a vigorous forum at countless meetings around the country, through the press and TV, with Government ministers and Members of Parliament, with books, pamphlets, newspaper adverts and poster displays.

The abandonment of the NHS market is the clearest indication of the rightness of our cause and the Federation can justly claim substantial credit for its efforts. Cutting the waste of the mountains of paperwork, the costly transactions, the hundreds of thousands of contracts, and the freeing for productive work the tens of thousands of people employed to run the market is a good start, but much more remains to be done to restore our NHS to the world leader it once was and can be again.

Resources must be found to run a modern, efficient and compassionate service now, and to prepare for a future which is sure to bring great advances in health care provision. These great challenges cannot and must not be left just to the politicians and the professionals.

The public depend upon their NHS – and pay for it from their taxes!

Their voice must be heard.

This is what the NHS Support Federation is about. Bringing together in one organisation many different interests – health care staff, patients and carers, industry, management, health politicians and the vast number of individual citizens, it can help to rebuild an NHS in which we all have confidence and pride. New approaches, imaginative development, renovation and innovation are the watchwords of the Federation. All who share these hopes and ambitions are urged to join.

Membership of the Federation is open to all. Unlike some other organisations which claim to speak for the NHS, the Federation has no secret subsidies or hidden agendas. It depends entirely on the voluntary support of its members. If you want a hand in reconstructing the ‘New NHS’, joining the NHS Support Federation will give you the opportunity to help rebuild it.

Contact: Paul Evans, Director of the Federation
Community Base
113 Queens Road
email : [email protected]